


Sonic Essentials branded products are currently sold in Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia,  South and Central America with impending entry into several other countries.  The current products in the IcONTM and Nutri EssentialTM ranges, as well as new products in the development pipeline, are targeted for yield and quality improvements in:

  • Rain-fed and irrigated food and fibre crops – wheat, rice, corn, barley, cotton etc
  • Annual and perennial horticulture – tomato, potato, vegetables, grapevines, stone and pome fruit, nuts, citrus etc
  • Bio-fuel production and plantations – palm oil, rubber, sugar beet, forestry
  • Sun protection for the prevention of sunburn and heat stress
  • Seed coating to enhance germination and early growth

“Worldwide, millions of hectares of arable land are deficient in plant available Zn and other trace elements such as Cu, Fe and Mn.” (Stacey et al 2007)

“….With one third of the world’s population at risk from zinc deficiency, it is important to ensure that crops such as cereals have not only sufficient zinc for optimum yields but also that they can supply a useful amount of dietary zinc to human consumers…… farm livestock and people also require an adequate supply of zinc and around one third of the world’s human population (> 2 x109) are possibly at risk of zinc deficiency.” (Alloway 2004)